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文章來源:www.dyolme.com   發布時間:2023-01-04 14:17:53   瀏覽次數:324


1.剎車。控制鋁合金升降平臺曳引機器部分起動遏制的制動器。Brake. Brake control Aluminum Alloy lifting platform traction machine part start stop.

2.限位開關。限止轎廂開到最高位置或最低位置不能擔當運轉的裝配。Limit switch. The car drove up to the highest position to limit the assembly or the lowest position cannot be run.

3.越程開關。轎廂行駛到最高位置或最低位置時。轎廂就會擔當上升或下降。為了防備轎廂沖頂或沉底,應拆卸能切斷電源和不能自動復位的越程開關,并裝在機房內,而不能裝在井道內。Pass switch. When the car runs to the highest or lowest position. The car will be on the rise or fall. In order to prevent the car at the top or bottom, should be the process of removing switch can cut off the power supply and can not automatically reset, and installed in the engine room, and can not be installed in the hoistway.

4.保險鉗。為了防備鋁合金升降平臺由于吊重鋼絲繩斷裂。應在轎廂上拆卸能同時切斷控制電源和使轎廂停止下墜的保險鉗。沒有保險鉗的轎廂不可乘人或帶人。Insurance forceps. In order to prevent the aluminum alloy lifting platform due to heavy steel wire rope breaking. At the same time can be dismantled and cut off the control power to stop the car insurance on the car down clamp. No insurance clamp car is not a mere human or with people.

5.限速器。為了防備鋁合金升降平臺行駛速度逾越正常速率。應裝速度控制器(二層以下(含二層樓)可不裝)這種機構個體與保險鉗聯成一體,乘載廂進出口應裝安全門。Speed limiter. In order to prevent the travel speed of the aluminum alloy lifting platform to exceed the normal speed. The speed controller should be installed (two or less (including two floors) can not be installed) this kind of mechanism and the insurance clamp together into a whole, the passenger compartment import and export should be installed security doors.

6.鋁合金升降平臺保險門。為了防備人員頭、手、腳伸出井道和物件墜落豎道。其豎道門應是封閉式,其轎廂應是滿門,井道(廳門)不低于1.8米高。Aluminium alloy lifting platform safety door. In order to prevent personnel from the head, hands, feet out of the hole and the object falling vertical road. The vertical door should be closed, the car should be manmen, wells (Hall) of not less than 1.8 meters high.

7.門電開關。為了防備鋁合金升降平臺由于豎道門、乘載廂門、轎頂門未關而發生事故。應在豎道門和乘載廂門上(二個以上門)裝配門聯鎖。Electric door switch. In order to prevent the Aluminum Alloy lifting platform and accidents due to the vertical door, passenger car door, the door is not closed. In the vertical door and a loading carriage door (two door to door interlock assembly).

8.門聯鎖。為了防備有人把豎道門和乘載廂門開動進出或將頭、手、腳伸出而發生事故。使升降機金屬結構部分帶電而發生觸電事變。Door interlock. In order to prevent some of the vertical door and ride the car door on the head, hands, or import feet out of the accident. To make an electric shock to the metal structure of the lift.

9.鋁合金升降平臺保險接地裝置。為了防備因電器設備破壞。電器裝備的金屬外殼和升降機的金屬結構上,應裝保險接地裝置,接地線操縱多股電線,不可隨便把持中性線算作保險接地線使用。Safety earthing device for aluminum alloy lifting platform. In order to prevent the destruction of electrical equipment. The metal structure of the metal shell and the lift of the electrical equipment shall be fitted with an insurance grounding device, and the ground wire shall be operated by a plurality of wires.


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